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Railroad Ties Installation Guide


Growing up, I couldn’t get enough of trains, steam engines, and the railroad. As an adult, these things still hold a strong symbolism in my life. Trains? A representation of power and strength.  A train’s horn? A reminder that Americans are always at work. A railroad crossing? A sign that it’s time to pay attention to what’s going on around you. 

When the United States Government built the Transcontinental Railroad in the 1860's, it helped unify post-Civil War America from east to west. It created unimaginable opportunities and connected people who otherwise would have never had the chance to connect. It facilitated the Industrial Revolution, westward expansion, and prompted America’s growth from a war-torn country to world power. 

Today, good copy reminds me a lot of the railroad. Copy has the power to unify groups behind a campaign, tell a captivating story, or change a company’s outlook forever. Copy is more than presenting the features of a company or a solution to a problem. Good copy connects consumers to an idea that improves their quality of life and their understanding of the world. It is the written manifestation of a business’ values and the first extension of trust in forming long-lasting client/business relationships.

Why Copy?: About Me
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